Friday, January 13, 2017


Their presence woke me up; there's a guy i met in my internship, a very good friend of mine, and one of my best manager  saying, "quickly pack your belongings. we'll go to Bali!" makes me rushed, woke up happily, "what?! when did you guys buy my ticket?!". I hurried woke up, searched my phone, only to called Lause I have to cancel my Chinese private lesson that morning. 
He helped me packed everything in a hurry with me keeps muttering "Is this serious? You guys crazy"

Then I hear a very familiar sound. It keeps louder.

...... It's my morning alarm.

I remember i swiped off my alarm only to call Lause that i have to go catch my flights.
Then i looked at my surroundings. It's a complete silence. None of them there.

I shrugged. It was (sadly) a dream.

It feels unbelievably real, and comforting.
All are familiar faces that for so long I haven't met. And maybe because Bali is the last place I had very fun in, I want to spend some kind of happiness with them too there.

I missed these people. Some of them maybe I would hardly meet again (both are really inspiring) And that one, I don't think the bond we used to have would match those level again. Action and words could be very hurtful sometimes. But never a second i think a friend could be so hurtful that way. And though I don't hold any grudges at all, I can never see her the way I used to anymore. 

Another thing hits me. What if one day I woke up and realize every picture perfect of kindness, excitement, hope, friendship, achievement, love, is just a good perception i make myself? That reality will only left me with silence and loneliness i need to face myself.