Monday, June 13, 2016

it's 12 PM and i'm doing my thesis while sipping my warm green tea latte

...and i miss your presence
i miss you right now the way i did last night when i laid awake doing nothing at 12 AM

i might not saying much
but God knows it's my heart you're keeping.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Rupa Embun

gulita malam tak lama singgah
melipur sunyi kau menggores kisah
akan tak terhitung rahasia alam ruah
jua sejumput mimpi serta resah

tak barang sekali kau minta apa

hanya setia sepasang telinga kala nestapa
berbalut tulus genggamaan hangat rupa
mengingat pada apa yang terlupa

dalam ragam kicau burung bersua

kau kata aku serupa lantunan embun pagi
teduh tak terdua
menghantar sejuk lagi dan lagi
selalu, aku jadi pertama tahu
selalu, kau jadi pelepas jemu
tak ada basa basi semu
dua empat tujuh tawarkan bahu


hadirku buatmu nyaman kau bilang
tak pernah kau kata ini pada yang berselang
walau hanya bisa sekelebat ku tawarkan riang
ku janjikan bulir udara ini menggiringmu pulang

satu, seratus, seribu musim mengalun
dalam sunyi kembali kau bilang aku serupa embun 
menunggu di helai daun kala udara jenuh menghimpun
perlahan hadir dan pergi dalam laun

kau ujar rindumu pada sang mentari
akan hangatnya yang menyuarakan seri
dan sinarnya sebagai penghantar hari
yang kau temui ketika jiwaku mulai suri

kemerahan sinarnya menawar antukan alang

dalam kagum binar mata serupa elang
kau langkahkan jiwa menuju yang kian lama terhalang
dan biarku menguap bersama matahari menjelang

April 17th 2016
7.37 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Musafir Malam

Persimpangan masa tak jauh menatap iba
Satu malamkah, atau satu dasawarsakah sudah ia meraba?
Para musafir yang berduyun singgah tanpa aba
Datang dan perginya terkenang dalam alunan angin sang rimba

Satu fajar lamunan lirih mengendap
Merasuk kesepian bertemaram langit singkap
Seorang musafir malam meninggalkan serpih rindu yang kian pulang meracap
Salahkah jika masih kunikmati memoirnya mengantar lelap?

Hujan tak kuasa memperlambat langkahnya meniti tanah impian
Ratusan persinggahan malam berbuah pupukan ilmu, asa, dan kesan
Hingga hari tapaknya harus berpindah dari bumiku meneruskan perjalanan
Hanya sulam bayang semu kian kabur yang tajam ditinggalkan

Jika satu waktu alam bermurah membawamu berdiri berhadap mata
Mulukah jika sama harapku pada jiwamu yang nyata
Walau tak mampu berpindah dari pijak rantingku tumbuh dan menua
Cintaku tak kalah besar dari anak manusia 

22 Februari 2016
12.21 AM

Sunday, February 14, 2016


C   rescent of hope and faith
H   ealer for the weakening world
R   ise to your destined place and height
I    f the mortals ever failed you
S   how them the true human's love
E   mbrace the fight and trial
L   et the light guide your path
L   et your inner strength rises
A   nd you will be the agent of change

I haven't know you that well yet, but to beautifully write this; thank you :)

Thursday, February 4, 2016


another year. 
another chance to get better, wiser, and pursue anything I have in mind.
plus, am surrounded by amazingly good people
blessed beyond words
God is good in my whole 22 years

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

that kid

He's standing next to the teacher's room door with his arm crossed, soiled uniform, bruises, and a crooked smile from ear to ear. 

"I am Joe, a fried rice thief.", is written on a cardboard that hanging on his chest. Loud noises of laughs around him can even be heard from the corridor I'm walking on.

Just like the first day he walked into my English class, his bright smile still etched all day. It now goes along with teases he's replying that trigger a louder laughs. Geez, that kid, it's like he's enjoying having a stand-up comedy with the cardboard as his props.

I am taking a glance as I'm passing him to the teacher's room and shaking my head towards him. Filled with wit and humor, his sloppy appearance no longer took place. In fact, he's one of the most fun and lovable kid among the 5th grader. But really, he needs to grow up. For the second time he caught up stealing from school's canteen and I wish this punishment shame him enough to realize his reckless.  

I sit on my desk that stranded at the corner room and start reading today's assignment. I gave my class a sheet of paper with "I wish my teachers know.....". It's more like an individual project for me for I want my students to open up anything they have in mind through this.

Joe's paper placed on the top; "I wish my teachers know..... I can't be this happy at home. Daddy beat me a lot for simplest mistake. Last night, again he doesn't even let me eat. I'm starving but too scared to tell."

My hand's shaking.


Did you know? Every year, between 500 million and 1.5 billion children worldwide endure many forms of violence. And approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse.

this world is sick. 

January 17th 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

dear my 2016 self

dear my 2016 self,

as you start the first month of the year, you might have a lot of hope, target, and courage to pursue anything in mind. 
all i can say now; please, do have faith on all you believe right at this moment.

days will pass and keep on shifting, and things might not go the way you planned it to be
at some point you might stumble and fall, feel depressed and alone, or intertwined between options you're too afraid to make.

it's okay. i repeat; it. is. all. okay.
truth is, it's just your head trying to screw you. makes things worse than it actually is

i know you very well, sel. you will probably say, "bullshit, you ain't understand." or "things are not changing no matter how hard i work my ass off"
girls, you always overreact on everything

let me make things clear by highlighting this:
1. God, your center of all loves you very dearly. He knows exactly what He's been doing. 
it's your job to work hard on everything faced you. in another word, you responsible for your progress while for the result, leave it all to His hands. 
2. See how far you've become and give yourself an extra credit for that. it's not good to focus only the bad side of yourself. you're doing great last whole year! you did progress and you should proud of that. read again your Greenie if you start to forget. 2016 will be as awesome as that.
3. You always have someone to turn to. remember a friend who told you this when you feel sooooooooooooooo small?
"bandingin level kalo ga sama bidang, tolak ukurnya darimana? merasa kecil gapapa, tapi jangan sampai merasa tertekan untuk tambah kecil. semua orang awalnya kecil kok. asal kita masih grow, jatuh bangun juga masih berkembang. setiap orang jalannya beda. fokus sama mimpi sendiri aja."
aw, isn't it lovely to have someone understand that much?
4. There is no standard of beauty. you are beautiful as you are. you create your own beauty. so stop trying to look like A or B or C, there will be no end. just be the best version of yourself. cherish your personality, your skin, your height, your overall looks, and work more on what's within. the moment you satisfy with yourself is the time you will completely be happy.

so my 2016 self, if you feel sad and end up reading this note from your optimistic self on January 2016, let me remind you; you have an amazing God, you are capable of doing great, you have 24/7 friends to turn to, and you're beautiful just the way God makes you! you have no reason to be afraid or feeling small.  wihiwihiwwww, semangat!
do your very best whatever goals you write on your new self-project-book. God speed!

January 9th 2016
2:11 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

my 2015 greenie!

am not gonna slam my random gloominess today cause it's new year wohoooo! *yes only today, ga lah!*

so 2015 has been a good year to me. it's not the best, but there are a lot of good things happened.

so here, meet my Greenie! instead of diary, i prefer to call it my self-project-book that i wrote since 1st January 2015. and this book, has been a major helper for me. i wrote things i'm grateful for, any kind of favors that i did, motivation quotes, and things i should do to keep things on track daily; each day (even my galau-ness took up quite a lot of pages on the back ehe!)

you're 21 and write a diar.. eh I mean, self-project-blablabla whatever u said? 

judge me~ but yes, I do. it feels good, you should try! personally for me the purpose of it is only one; when bad things happened, I can look back to each page and see how far i've become and how good God is during the whole year, each day, to me.

as I re-read this book on January 1st 2016 I amazed by how His grace overflows every single day. bad things happened yes, but He doesn't leave it alone with only sadness. He provides me with love and support from all my beloved around, a sudden luck that seemed accidentally happened, achievements after days of hard work, and bundles of lessons that I believe shape me into a better person.

i might close this book of 2015. but i will continue to turn a page of a new book, and again write my goals, and dreams, and my own self-project on this very beginning of 2016.

i haven't close enough to my goals and ideal self, that's why i won't stop to strive better and better. for I believe, with Him, all things are possible. 

2016, i'm so ready for whatever you're gonna bring! :)